
The City of Holstein is one of the rare few communities in Iowa to offer a taxi service.  The Taxi prides itself in offering multiple services as well as driving for a wide range of individuals.  The Taxi drives for many individuals that no longer drive and makes it possible for them to keep their independence.  They can make multiple stops like hair appointments, groceries, clinic, chiropractor, or any other business or residence in town.  The taxi also drives school-age children from home/daycare to school, extra school activities, summer activities (such as swim lessons, VBS, dance, etc.) or other places while the parents are working.  Extra services offered include running errands for customers such as delivering groceries, picking up mail, banking or library needs, etc.  The highlight of the Taxi Service is a peace of mind for the community knowing they have options to make their lives easier at a very nominal fee.  The Taxi is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm. It drives any place within the city limits. Contact City Hall to schedule a taxi ride:  712-368-4898.

Book of 10 Tickets - Adults: $45.00
Book of 10 Tickets - Children: $25.00
Adult Individual Tickets - $5.00

Name Title Phone Number
Fran Leonard Taxi Driver/Meter Reader
Pam Kay Taxi Driver/Meter Reader